Beloved Soil, you are the foundation of all life.
The cradle of roots and womb of seeds.

Soil Gratitude Ceremony

Soil is more than just dirt.

Soil is a vibrant community of organisms, from the tiniest bacteria and fungi to the worms and crawling insects, all working in harmony to sustain life on Earth.  Soil is alive, constantly breathing, transforming, and regenerating. It is the birthplace of our food, the keeper of ancient stories, and the foundation of all life.   We would not exist without Soil.

Soil is vulnerable to human activity and natural forces. Soil needs our attention, our action, and our gratitude. 

Did you know?

Soil Contains a Vast Microbial Universe:
A single teaspoon of healthy Soil can contain more microorganisms than there are people on Earth, with estimates ranging from 100 million to 1 billion bacteria, along with fungi, protozoa, and nematodes.

Soil is a Major Carbon Sink:
Soils store more carbon than the atmosphere and vegetation combined. It’s estimated that Soils contain about 2,500 gigatons of carbon, which is more than three times the amount stored in the atmosphere.

There are More Soil Types than Plant Species:
The world has over 70,000 different types of Soil, each with unique properties. This diversity in Soil types supports a wide variety of ecosystems and plant species.

It Takes Hundreds of Years to Form Soil:
It can take more than 500 years to form just one inch of topsoil, the most fertile layer, making Soil a non-renewable resource within a human lifespan.

Soil is Alive and Breathing:
Soil “breathes” through a process called respiration, where microorganisms in the Soil consume organic matter and release carbon dioxide. This is a critical part of the carbon cycle.

Soil Filters and Cleans Water:
As water moves through Soil, it filters out impurities and pollutants, making it one of the planet’s natural water purifiers. This process is essential for maintaining clean groundwater.

Soil Helps Mitigate Climate Change:
Healthy Soils can sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. Practices like no-till farming and cover cropping can enhance this carbon sequestration.

There’s More Biodiversity Below Ground Than Above:
The majority of the world’s biodiversity is found below ground in Soils. This includes a variety of organisms, from earthworms to microscopic fungi and bacteria, all playing critical roles in ecosystem function.

Soil is the Foundation of Our Food:
Nearly 95% of our food comes from Soil. Healthy Soil means better crops, richer nutrition, and a sustainable food supply.

Printable Ceremony Instructions

Planning Your Soil Gratitude Ceremony

This is a coordinated prayer that you offer in your own landscape (not an online event).

For A Tree coordinate this ceremony for people and Nature around the world, so that each gratitude ceremony, like yours, is one of many bright shining lights on Earth.

So that all the ceremonies can shine together, we have created a printable instruction sheet to provide guidance and the framework for you to bring your creativity and open heart.

Reciprocity is a cornerstone in good relationships with our Nature kin, and expressing gratitude is vital to building Co-Creative Partnership with our landscapes. Preparing for this ceremony and sharing your gratitude will deepen your connection and understanding with Soil.

As you express your gratitude for the Soil where you live, you’re contributing your heart and energy to a vibrant future for Earth and all life.

The Soil Gratitude Ceremony

Printable Ceremony Instructions

In the universal spirit of gratitude and reciprocity…
Set your intention and put into motion these simple, sacred actions.



A cloth to define your altar space.
Offerings: bowl of water, flowers, and dried herbs for smoke purification.
*If you cannot be outside for your gratitude ceremony, then gather a little bit
of soil from the place where you live to include on your altar.



Locate a quiet spot outside, in Nature, for your gratitude ceremony.
It could be your yard, garden, patio, a park, a nearby forest, a farm, a meadow
or wherever you are called.  

Lovingly assemble your altar and offerings, including the bowl of Water.
Ignite the herbs, and with the smoke, cleanse yourself, the altar, and the offerings.


Standing before your altar, express your gratitude for
all Soil sustaining life on Mother Earth.



Give thanks to the ancestors of the land (plant, animal, fungal, elemental, and human).
Breathe, hum, rattle, sing, ring a bell, light a candle or incense.



Stand with your bare feet on the Soil.

Bend down and place your hands on the Earth.
Breathe deeply into your heart center, and when you exhale,
send love and gratitude down through your arms and fingertips to the Soil.

Stand once again, holding a little bit of the Soil in one of your hands.



Soil, you are the foundation of all life,
The cradle of roots, womb of seeds,
You hold the stories of ancient forests and mountains,
The whispers of rivers, and oceans and the memories of the stars.

I give thanks for your complexity,
For your minerals, colors and songs,
For the nourishment you provide to all beings,
From the tiniest creature to the tallest tree,
For holding us in your rich embrace.

I am grateful for the hidden world that lies within your depths,
A vibrant community of life unseen,
A myriad of beings, ancient and wise,
Who weave the threads of life together,
Transforming decay into renewal,
Creating the fertile ground from which all life springs.

Beloved Soil, I offer my deepest gratitude,
For the food that grows from your fertile embrace,
For the medicine you hold within your layers,
And for the life you sustain with every breath.

May we remember your sacredness,
May you and the community of life you hold within be cared for and nourished.
Living Soil, may you always be respected, honored, and loved.
I am grateful for you.


Feeling your bare feet on the Soil, close your eyes,
allow the pulsation in your heart and hands to merge with the soil held in your hand
…breathe into the Soil and offer your personal blessing. 

Place the blessed Soil onto the Earth.
Gently pour the water from your altar over the Soil with your love and gratitude
for all the Soil blanketing Mother Earth.

Printable Ceremony Instructions


For Trees


For Wetlands