Beloved Tree, by your existence, my life is sustained, nurtured,
and protected

Tree Gratitude Ceremony

We depend on trees for our survival. We literally owe our existence to them. They are the lungs of earth, and they are irreplaceable.

Trees are majestic beings providing the oxygen we need to breathe, and the food and medicine we need to survive.

Their absorption and storage of carbon dioxide helps control climate as they draw the water from the soil allowing it to evaporate and cool the air around us. They moderate the effects of the sun, rain, and wind. They shield and protect us from the extremes of the elements.

Trees are essential to eco-systems as their far-reaching roots hold soil in place and fight erosion. They absorb and store rainwater helping the ground water supply to recharge.

They protect us from floods and landslides as they stabilize the soil and absorb the water. They filter harmful chemicals and pollutants.

Being in their presence uplifts and soothes us.

These profound life forms bless our world.

Printable Ceremony Instructions

The Tree Gratitude Ceremony

Printable Ceremony Instructions

We humans benefit immeasurably from the many gifts our beloved trees bestow, and so we offer our gratitude in the sacred act of ceremony.
In the universal spirit of ceremony…Set your intention and initiate these sacred acts.

A favorite tree, or any tree or plant, wherever you are…indoors or out

Express your gratitude for all trees sustaining our life on Mother Earth

Breathe, hum, rattle, sing, ring a bell, light a candle or incense

Hold a small bowl of water in your hands as you offer your blessing (repeat 3 times)

““Beloved Tree, by your existence
my life is sustained and nurtured.
By your existence I live and love.
I offer you my gratitude.
May you be protected, nourished,
healed and sustained.
May you, and all trees, and all forests
Be recognized and cherished.”

Pour the water that now carries the vibration of your words of blessing, onto the base of your tree.


Connect to the tree…offer your personal blessing,
touch or embrace the tree,
tie a ribbon around it, walk around the tree
encircling it with your love and gratitude.

Printable Ceremony Instructions


For Soil