Beloved Pollinators, you are essential for sustaining life and providing food for all, as you adorn Mother Earth with your beauty

Pollinator Gratitude Ceremony

We cannot live without Pollinators.  They are integral to the ecological survival of Mother Earth.

Pollinators are essential for sustaining life, biodiversity, food for all, and adding beauty to Mother Earth. In sacred reciprocity they collaborate with grasslands, deserts, forests, fields, and gardens to reproduce, and flourish.  They partner with and depend on each other for survival.

The world’s seed plants need to be pollinated; the beautiful pollinators are vital in plants’ reproduction, dispersal, and propagation.

They bring forth new life in the form of fruit, berries, crops and seeds.  We humans depend on them for our survival.  Even if soil, air, nutrients, and other life-sustaining elements were available, without pollinators we could not survive.

Printable Ceremony Instructions 


Printable Ceremony Instructions 

Bees, butterflies, beetles, moths, wasps and flies, birds, bats, and small mammals, you are the beloved Pollinators.  You buzz, flutter, forage and creep from plant to plant,  seeking pollen and nectar for your nourishment. 
Because of you, plants are pollinated and bring forth new life in the form of fruit, berries, crops and seeds.   
You are essential for sustaining life, biodiversity, food for all, and adding beauty to Mother Earth.   
In sacred reciprocity you collaborate with our grasslands, deserts, forests, fields, and gardens to reproduce, and flourish.
Many of your populations are in decline and need our attention, attunement, and support.
In this Gratitude Ceremony, we align ourselves with you and offer our love, appreciation, and support for all of our pollinator kin. 

In the universal spirit of ritual and remembrance…Set your intention and put into motion these simple, sacred actions.


A cloth to define your altar space. Offerings: small bowl of water, flowers, and fruits place on your altar. Dried herbs for smoke purification.



Locate a quiet spot in nature for your gratitude ceremony. It could be at the base of a special flowering plant or tree in your yard, a forest, a mountain, or in your flower garden.  Lovingly assemble your altar and offerings, including the small bowl of water. Burn the herbs, and with the smoke, cleanse yourself, the altar, and the offerings.



Standing or sitting in front of your altar, express your gratitude for all the beloved pollinators sustaining life on Mother Earth



Give thanks to the ancestors of the land (plant, animal, fungal, elemental, and human). Breathe, hum, rattle, sing, ring a bell, light a candle or incense



Place your hands on the Earth. Breathe deeply into your heart center and when you exhale, with love and gratitude, stand with your offering bowl of water. Offer your blessing (repeat 3 times) 

“Beloved Pollinators, you are essential to our survival.

You remind us of our interconnectivity in the web of life.

As you seek and receive pollen for your nourishment,

you enable flowers to produce seed and fruit.

Your vital contribution to the continuation of life is recognized and honored.

Because of you, we are nourished and sustained.

May your foraging and nesting habitats be restored and replenished,

May you be free from disease and contaminants,

May there be plentiful blooming plants to support your survival.

May your migratory paths be free and plentiful.

I offer you my gratitude.” 



Place your bowl of water onto your altar. Offer flowers into the blessed water with your own words of gratitude for the magnificent pollinators sustaining all life. You can offer the water to all pollinators by giving the water to a flowering plant or tree or by pouring the water into a shallow container outside for pollinators to sip.

Printable Ceremony Instructions 


For Mountains


For Mycelium