Beloved Mycelium, your exquisite network transforms and nourishes to create new life

Mycelium Gratitude Ceremony

We benefit immensely from Mycelium.  They are the invisible, underground, interconnected, and essential network of the eco system.   

They are the most vital function of the food web; the digestive system of the earth, finding and breaking down food sources, feeding on decomposing organisms and collecting nutrients, recycling into beneficial compounds.

They are the great connectors and communicators of the underground; they conduct an information and nutrient exchange system for all plant life in the forest.  They connect individual plants together to transfer water, nitrogen, carbon and other minerals.

They are a protective force for soil and plants as they break down toxins, improve water efficiency, and reduce erosion.  Mycelium add oxygen to the soil, release nitrogen, phosphate and other micronutrients.

Without mycelium, all ecosystems would fail, they are necessary for creating new life.

Printable Ceremony Instructions

Gratitude for Mycelia 

Printable Ceremony Instructions 

Mycelia are nourishers, transformers, conduits of connection, healers, and in all their many roles, essential to life.  More than ever, now is the time to connect with the gifts of Mycelia - collaboration, community consciousness, sacred reciprocity, and the power to transform the archaic and dead.  Mycelia are the intertwined fasteners that help to unite all life on Earth as one being.  To continue moving into co-creative partnership with Nature, we as humans can look to Mycelia as teachers and Elders.

In the universal spirit of ritual and remembrance… Set your intention and put into motion these simple, sacred actions.


Gather a cloth to define your altar space.

Small offerings: small bowl of water, flowers, homemade food, berries, homegrown compost…

Gather some of your beloved Mycelia, Mushrooms, or Soil to place on your altar.

Gather dried herbs for smoke purification.  



Locate a quiet spot in nature for your gratitude ceremony.  It could be at the base of a special plant or tree in your yard, a forest, a mountain,  and especially places that are in transformation like the forest floor or your compost pile-whatever calls to you-mycelia are everywhere. 

Lovingly assemble your altar and offerings, including the small bowl of water.

Burn the herbs, and with the smoke, cleanse yourself, the altar, and the offerings. 



Standing or sitting in front of your altar, express your gratitude for all Mycelia

sustaining life on Mother Earth 



Give thanks to the ancestors of the land (plant, animal, fungal, elemental, and human). 

Breathe, hum, rattle, sing, ring a bell,

light a candle or incense 



Place your hands on the Earth. Breathe deeply into your heart center and when you exhale, send love and gratitude down through your arms and fingertips to Mycelia.

Offer your blessing (repeat 3 times)


Mycelia, I thank you for your communication network, and I feel my heart-breath, infused with gratitude,
traveling down my body into the Earth to join your vast web.

Thank you for your  intricate network pulsing and humming as information, nutrients, death stories,
and creation stories travel along your threads for miles and miles, encircling the Earth and all of life.

Thank you for weaving and connecting all of Earth’s ecosystems, working to harmonize, nourish, and balance life. 

You are completely engaged in the sacred act of reciprocity, and from your hidden dark home,
you transform rotting wood, dead leaves, and animals and give away all the nutrients to sustain new life. 

You are the embodiment of community and collaboration.

I am in awe and grateful for your ancient  time origins and worldwide consciousness.
You show me the interconnectedness and interrelatedness of all that has been and all that will be.

Thank You for weaving the tapestry threads of the wonder and miracle of Life, connected and
interconnected through community within our beloved Mother Earth.

I send my deep love and gratitude to Mycelia.

Thank you.



Feeling your hands on the Earth, your bare feet on the Earth,
connect to the vast network of mycelia in the soil beneath you…offer your personal blessing.   

Give your offerings to the Earth and for the nourishment of Mycelia by placing your offerings on the soil.  Gently pour the water from your bowl onto the Earth with love and gratitude for all Mycelia

Printable Ceremony Instructions 



For Pollinators


For Roots