Beloved Seeds, by your benevolent powers, you renew, feed, and sustain life

Seed Gratitude Ceremony

Seeds are the carriers of the code of new life and new beginnings.

Seeds protect and sustain us. They are essential for our survival, and they ensure the continuation of our lives.  Life would not exist on this planet without seeds.  

Seeds are the means for trees and plants to germinate, reproduce, and spread, bearing our food and medicine. 

They are rich in their diversity and adaptability to all other forces of nature.  They help keep our soil in place and clean our water. 

Seeds help plants adapt to changing environments, allowing them to maintain existing populations and establish new populations in suitable habitats.  

Their vibrant networks of dispersal are crucial to ecosystems as they restore lands devastated by wildfires and natural disasters. 

Printable Ceremony Instructions


Printable Ceremony Instructions

Seeds embody the continuation of life for all beings. They are a blessing for a thriving, vibrant future for Mother Earth and the following generations. Seeds are irreplaceable and are essential for our lives, and so we are blessed to be in relationship with them. In this loving act of ceremony, we have the opportunity to experience our unique human identity as caretakers of Mother Earth as we offer our blessings and our love.

In the universal spirit of ceremony… Set your intention and put into motion these simple, sacred words and actions.

An altar either indoors, or outside close to the land where you will plant your ceremonial seeds. If your seeds are in packets, open the packets or place your seeds into small bowls. Larger seeds can be placed directly on your altar. Adorn your altar with flowers and elements from nature (leaves, seed pods, acorns, pinecones, stones, sticks...).

Stand before your altar Breathe, hum, rattle, sing, ring a bell, light a candle or incense. Take a few deep breaths as you focus on, and feel connected to your chosen seeds and their sacred lineage, the fertile soil ready to accept the seeds, the precious water to nourish them, and the warm sun to help them grow.

To express your gratitude, and to offer blessings for all life-giving seeds sustaining our existence on Mother Earth. To engage in the sacred act of reciprocity.

Hold the small bowl of seeds in your hands as you repeat your blessing. (repeat 3 times)

“Beloved seeds, you renew and sustain life.

Your ancient memory and vast potential are the magic needed to grow a forest, a garden and a new tomorrow.

Precious seeds, through your trees, plants, food and medicine, you are the source of our nourishment, vitality and healing.

We exist in the beauty of our lives because of you. We offer you our gratitude.

May you thrive within the sacred cycles of Mother Earth,

in fertile soil, clean waters and abundant sunlight.

In a respectful way, may you be planted, harvested and stored.

May your benevolent powers and ancient wisdom,

be recognized, valued, honored and nurtured.”

Offer your personal blessing to your seeds. Walk around your altar encircling it with your love and gratitude.

And after the Blessing Ceremony
We are a vast and diverse community spanning all around Earth with her different seasons and climates. If it is the correct time in your area for planting at the time of this ceremony, then we encourage you to close the blessing by planting and watering your seeds. If you live in the city and cannot plant directly into Earth, then plant into window or patio planters. If it is too early or late in your area, then store your seeds in their packages/containers. Lovingly wrap them in a beautiful cloth and keep them in a cool area out of sunlight until it is time to plant. Offer words of gratitude and love for the seeds and Earth herself when you plant them. To hold the seeds, and plant with such open-heartedness and reverence is a powerful way for us to co-create with nature and participate in ensuring continuation of all Life.

Printable Ceremony Instructions


For Winds


For Ancestors