Beloved Roots,
weaving your web deep in the soil, you anchor, nurture, and connect for the benefit of all

Root Gratitude Ceremony

Roots thrive in relationship.  Engaging in the sacred act of reciprocity, they weave their magical web deep in the soil to support all forms of life on earth.

They provide what we need for our food and medicine.  They are key to the performance of the ecosystem of the soil: growing our food, feeding our families, and, ultimately, shaping our health. 

Roots are the integrated system that anchors the tree firmly and deeply underground, keeping it straight and stable. Nutrient-rich soil is anchored to the Earth by roots and avoids depletion.  

They absorb water, nutrients, and essential mineral elements and use them to produce what they need for the tree's growth, development, and repair. 

 Roots hold the soil particles firmly in place, preventing topsoil to be washed or blown away, combating soil erosion. 

Trees maintain their protective stance in the world because of roots.

Printable Instruction Sheet

Gratitude for Roots

Printable Instruction Sheet

Roots give us direction for reconnection. Now is the time, more than ever, to ground into the sustenance of safety, deep nourishment, and sense of stability that the Earth provides. Roots are the ones who show us the way and hold the land in place. They are the ones who uptake nutrients for all green growing beings and provide so much food and medicine. Without the foundation of roots, there would be no stability of a tree trunk to lean against. Without roots, branches could not reach great heights… beloved Roots, you beneath our feet, hidden and humble, the anchors who allow all upward growth, thank you.

In the universal spirit of ritual and remembrance… Set your intention and put into motion these simple, sacred actions.


Gather a cloth to define your altar space.
Small offerings: small bowl of water, flowers, homemade food, berries, homegrown compost…
Gather some of your beloved root allies to place on your altar.
Gather dried herbs for smoke purification.


Locate a quiet spot in nature for your gratitude ceremony. It could be at the base of a special plant or tree in your yard,
a forest, mountain, river, meadow-whatever calls to you-roots are everywhere.

Lovingly assemble your altar and offerings, including the small bowl of water.

Burn the herbs, and with the smoke, cleanse yourself, the altar, and the offerings.


Standing or sitting in front of your altar, express your gratitude for all Roots sustaining life on Mother Earth


Give thanks to the ancestors (plant, animal, elemental and human) of the land.
Breathe, hum, rattle, sing, ring a bell, light a candle or incense


Place your hands on the Earth. Breathe deeply into your heart center and when you exhale,
send love and gratitude down through your arms and fingertips to the Roots.
Offer your blessing (repeat 3 times)

“Thank you, Roots of the plants and trees.

Thank you for showing us how to communicate with and receive nourishment from the connected life force of all beings sharing our mother, Earth.

Thank you for your example of always balancing and counter-balancing to ensure the survival of the whole community.

Thank you for your physical manifestation of the web of life – delicate tendrils and strong tap roots entwined with mycelium,
sending and receiving energy that helps all life thrive.

Thank you for holding the deep space that records the songs of sunlight, moonlight and the cosmos.

Thank you for nurturing our bodies, for amplifying our resilience and vitality.

Thank you for dreaming leaves and flowers into being.

Thank you for your power, your patience, your presence.

Thank you.”


Feeling your hands on the Earth, your bare feet on the Earth, connect to the vast network of roots in the soil beneath you
…offer your personal blessing.
Give your offerings to the Earth and for the nourishment of roots by placing them on the soil.
Gently pour the water from your bowl onto the Earth with love and gratitude for all Roots.

Printable Instruction Sheet


For Mycelium


For Rivers