Beloved River, you are a precious source of life, essential for the survival of humanity

River Gratitude Ceremony

Rivers sustain our life on Mother Earth.  They are a source of life as they carry the fresh, clean water that we depend on to stay alive.

They are the vital, vibrant support system for the earth, contributing to biodiversity, controlling floods, preventing erosion, and transporting nutrients, minerals, and seeds for thousands of miles.

They provide home and critical habitat for thousands of species. Fish, otters, alligators, snakes, turtles, birds, clams, mussels, salamanders, frogs, snails, worms, marsh birds, beavers, and insects all rely on rivers for their survival. It’s in the rivers that they breed, eat, and nest.

Rivers are home to plants such as algae, cattails, water lilies, and aspen and willow trees that help keep the water clean, using their root systems to filter pollution and excess nutrients from the water.

Rivers supply us with a sustainable source of food for us to be healthy—fish, freshwater snails, mussels, crayfish, and more.

They are essential for biodiversity.

 Rivers are vitally important and essential for the survival of humanity.

Printable Ceremony Instructions

The River Gratitude Ceremony

Printable Ceremony Instructions

We humans benefit immeasurably from the many gifts our beloved rivers and waters bestow, and so we offer our gratitude in the sacred act of ceremony. In the universal spirit of ceremony… Set your intention and initiate these sacred acts.

A favorite river, or any river or body of water wherever you are…even a bowl of water if it is all you can be in contact with.

Express your gratitude for all rivers sustaining our life on Mother Earth

Breathe, hum, rattle, sing, ring a bell, light a candle or incense

Hold a small bowl of water in your hands as you offer your blessing (repeat 3 times)

"Beloved River, you are a vital element in my life.
We are intimately connected.
Your sacred waters flow through me, Gifting me with nourishment, vitality and beauty.
I offer you my gratitude. May you be pure, clean, healthy and free.
May you thrive and flow. May your rights be honored.
May you, and all rivers, and all waters of Mother Earth be cared for, honored and respected."

Pour the water that now carries the vibration of your words of blessing, into your river or
if you are not near a water body, then onto the Earth

Connect to your river…offer your personal blessing, place flowers or offerings into the water,
place your hands into the water encircling the River with your love and gratitude.

Printable Ceremony Instructions


For Roots


For Winds